American Values

In Wrightstown


Academic Excellence ♦ Transparency ♦ Trust ♦ Leadership

Let's Protect Our Children Together

Empowering Parents
in their Children’s Education

Our Children come to Wrightstown public schools with incredible potential and endless possibilities. With a lifetime of opportunities ahead of them, the Wrightstown Community School District must provide a world-class education and nothing less. It is our responsibility to open the doors to these possibilities and prepare each student for their future. 


Empowering Parents in their Children’s Education

Commitment to
Academic Excellence

Strengthening English, math, and science curriculum while reducing screen time.


Develop and implement a strong cyber safety plan to help keep our students safe from cyberbullying and other forms of online malicious behavior.

Vocational Training

Create and expand partnerships with local businesses and implement a comprehensive internship program to prepare students for work in a trade or craft.

Keep & Recruit
The Best Teachers

Wrightstown supports our teachers. We must recruit, train, and retain our best teachers.

Parental & Teacher

All parents should advocate for their children. Knowing their assignments in advance will prevent students from falling behind.

Building Trust
With Transparency

Improve relations between our school district, parents, and taxpayers. Allow all stakeholders to be heard.

Let's Protect Our Children Together


Building trust between our community
and school district.

Strengthen Fiscal Oversight

The Wrightstown School District should open its books not only in their traditional finances, but also in the areas of contracts and procurement, economic development, public pensions, and debt obligations. The district’s financial information should be clear and meaningful including annual budgets in full line-item form, summaries, and visualizations. All elements should be ADA compliant online and easily downloadable

Vote this February 18th



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Let your neighbors know they have a candidate who will
advocate for students and parents!

Vote this February 18th

Jeff Nelson

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