Academic Excellence ♦ Transparency ♦ Trust ♦ Leadership
Our Children come to Wrightstown public schools with incredible potential and endless possibilities. With a lifetime of opportunities ahead of them, the Wrightstown Community School District must provide a world-class education and nothing less. It is our responsibility to open the doors to these possibilities and prepare each student for their future.
Strengthening English, math, and science curriculum while reducing screen time.
Develop and implement a strong cyber safety plan to help keep our students safe from cyberbullying and other forms of online malicious behavior.
Create and expand partnerships with local businesses and implement a comprehensive internship program to prepare students for work in a trade or craft.
Wrightstown supports our teachers. We must recruit, train, and retain our best teachers.
All parents should advocate for their children. Knowing their assignments in advance will prevent students from falling behind.
Improve relations between our school district, parents, and taxpayers. Allow all stakeholders to be heard.
The Wrightstown School District should open its books not only in their traditional finances, but also in the areas of contracts and procurement, economic development, public pensions, and debt obligations. The district’s financial information should be clear and meaningful including annual budgets in full line-item form, summaries, and visualizations. All elements should be ADA compliant online and easily downloadable
Parents deserve to know exactly what is taught in their child’s classroom. Additionally, all stakeholders in our district deserve to know how their elected school district representatives are choosing public school curriculum and what materials teachers will use to instruct their child.
Teachers deserve the freedom to adjust and adapt curriculum considering their classes’ needs, so they can focus on teaching rather than excessive administrative burdens. Transparency will build a stronger partnership between parents, teachers, and students.
Approving curriculum and instructional content must be fully transparent to restore and build trust.
The Wrightstown School District must enact a cyber safety policy to protect our children. While related, some people confuse cyber safety with cyber security. A strong cyber safety policy will focus on protecting our children when they are online protecting their physiological and emotional well-being.
The Internet offers a wealth of resources and material for education; however, it does contain risks to people who use the internet. By not having a strong cyber safety policy in place our children could be exposed to cyberbullying and cyber predators as they use the internet for educational purposes.
The District employs a wide range of online applications to augment learning. While these applications comply with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), many of them share the information collected by our students with third party companies. See for yourself by viewing our library software privacy policy.
As an internet marketing professional my team uses a variety of resources to target affinity categories of people. By combining a plethora of information about a person’s online history we have been able to find very specific categories of people and feed them articles, social posts, and advertisements to take action, not purchase items. While Google’s terms of use indicate they do not advertise and share “personal data” with others they most certainly collect browser activity across platforms to feed search results to your child. Ask yourself, what type of search results is Google interested in providing to your sons and daughters?
Parents and taxpayers have the right to know how well our schools are performing. Academic transparency is the best way that allows parents to understand how our public schools are performing compared year over year or to other districts. Assessing the districts progress or decline in core academic areas will help address shortcomings and adequately assign resources where needed. Ultimately, this information serves as a key performance indicator for how well our district prepares Wrightstown students for success after high school.
Jeff Nelson
©2025 Paid by Jeff Nelson for School Board | All Rights Reserved